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The European Academy of Cancer Sciences is an independent advisory body of eminent oncologists and cancer researchers, placing science at the core of policies to sustainably reduce the death and suffering caused by cancer in Europe.
The European Academy of Cancer Sciences strives for excellence, independence, leadership, diversity and flexibility.
In practical terms, the Academy is a ‘virtual’ body that groups together and enables continued exchange between representatives with outstanding scientific and academic backgrounds from all cancer disciplines.
Throughout its work, the Academy strives to contribute independent, authoritative and evidence-based advice to underpin policy for the prevention, the management and the palliation of cancer in Europe.
The Academy currently counts 270 eminent Fellows from across Europe and beyond, and elections take place annually. To view the full list of the Academy Fellows, please refer to the Directory.
The Academy welcomes requests for information and advice from a broad variety of stakeholders including patient organisations, healthcare professionals, as well as policy-makers.
Name & Main Expertise | Main Affiliation & Country |
Prof. Lauri Aaltonen | University of Helsinki Finland |
Prof. Neil Aaronson Psychosocial oncology | The Netherlands Cancer Institute The Netherlands |
Prof. Hans-Olov Adami | Karolinska Institutet Sweden |
Prof. Guido Adler | Universität Heidelberg · University medical center Germany |
Prof. Kari Alitalo | University of Helsinki Finland |
Prof. Heike Allgayer Tumor Biology | University of Heidelberg Germany |
Dr Genevieve Almouzni Epigenetics | Research Center - Institut Curie France |
Prof. Fabrice Andre Diagnostics and Biomarkers | Gustave Roussy Cancer Cancer France |
Prof. Alan Ashworth | United Kingdom |
Prof. Alison Banham | University of Oxford United Kingdom |
Prof. Mariano Barbacid | CNIO Spain |
Prof. Alberto Bardelli | University of Torino School of Medicine Italy |
Prof. Jiri Bartek | Denmark |
Prof. Harry Bartelink | The Netherlands |
Prof. Eduard Batlle Tumor Biology | Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona Spain |
Prof. Michael Baumann Scientific strategic management | Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, CEO and Scientific Director Germany |
Prof. Yinon Ben-Neriah Cell Biology | Hebrew University Medical School Israel |
Prof. Jonas Bergh | Karolinska Institutet Sweden |
Prof. Rene Bernards Genomics/Proteomics/-Omics | Netherlands Cancer Institute The Netherlands |
Prof. Anton Berns | The Netherlands |
Prof. Daniel Birnbaum | INSERM France |
Prof. Ewan Birney Genomics/Proteomics/-Omics | European Bioinformatics Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. Cédric Blanpain | Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium |
Prof. Maria Blasco | Spain |
Prof. Hugues Blaudin de Thé | France |
Prof. Jean Yves Blay | Centre Léon Bérard France |
Prof. Paolo Boffetta | Italy |
Prof. Thierry Boon-Falleur | Belgium |
Prof. Piet Borst | The Netherlands |
Prof. F Xavier Bosch | Spain |
Prof. Jean Bourhis | France |
Prof. Michael Boutros | DKFZ-Heidelberg Germany |
Prof. Michael Brada | University of Liverpool United Kingdom |
Prof. Anders Brahme | Sweden |
Prof. Elisabeth Brambilla | France |
Prof. Christian Brechot | France |
Prof. Paul Brennan | United Kingdom |
Dr James Brenton | Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. Kevin Brindle Imaging | University of Cambridge United Kingdom |
Prof. Anne-Liese Børresen-Dale Genomics/Proteomics/-Omics | Oslo University Hospital Norway |
Prof. Carlos Caldas Experimental and Molecular Therapeutics | Portugal |
Prof. Fatima Cardoso Clinical Research/Clinical Trials | Champalimaud Clinical Center Portugal |
Prof. Peter Carmeliet | Belgium |
Prof. Fatima Carneiro | Portugal |
Prof. Luigi Cataliotti Surgical Oncology | Breast Centres Certification Italy |
Prof. Franco Cavalli | Switzerland |
Prof. Howard Cedar | Israel |
Prof. Julio Celis | Denmark |
Prof. J.P. Chambon | France |
Prof. Gerhard Christofori | Switzerland |
Prof. Fortunato Ciardiello | Italy |
Prof. Aaron Ciechanover | Israel |
Prof. Hans Clevers | The Netherlands |
Prof. Dr Jan Willem Coebergh Epidemiology | Erasmus MC Rotterdam The Netherlands |
Prof. Nicholas Coleman | United Kingdom |
Prof. Vincent Peter Collins | United Kingdom |
Prof. Paolo M. Comoglio | Italy |
Prof. Alberto Costa | Italy |
Prof. George Coukos | Ludwig Research Centre Lausanne Switzerland |
Prof. Giuseppe Curigliano Experimental and Molecular Therapeutics | European Institute of Oncology, IRCCS and University of Milano Italy |
Prof. Jack Cuzick Prevention Research | Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom |
Prof. Maurizio D'Incalci | Italy |
Prof. Klaus Michael Debatin | Germany |
Prof. Elisabetta Dejana | Italy |
Prof. Anne Dejean | France |
Prof. Pier Paolo Di Fiore | Italy |
Prof. Volker Diehl | Germany |
Prof. John Diffley | United Kingdom |
Prof. Joakim Dillner | Sweden |
Prof. Caroline Dive | United Kingdom |
Prof. Julian Downward | United Kingdom |
Prof. Mitch Dowsett | United Kingdom |
Prof. Douglas Easton Genetics | University of Cambridge United Kingdom |
Prof. Suzanne Eccles | United Kingdom |
Prof. Alexander M.M. Eggermont | Princess Máxima Center The Netherlands |
Prof. Angelika Eggert | Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Germany |
Prof. Manel Esteller | Spain |
Prof. Gerard Evan Molecular Biology | University of Cambridge United Kingdom |
Prof. Sara Faithfull | United Kingdom |
Prof. Corinne Faivre Finn | United Kingdom |
Prof. Rebecca Fitzgerald | United Kingdom |
Prof. Sophie-Dorothea Fosså | Norway |
Prof. Frank Gannon | Australia |
Prof. Silvio Garattini | Italy |
Prof. Susan Gasser | Switzerland |
Prof. Richard Gilbertson | CRUK Cambridge Centre United Kingdom |
Prof. Francis Giles | Ireland |
Prof. Lutz Gissman | Germany |
Prof. Agnes Glaus | Switzerland |
Prof. Vassilis Gorgoulis Carcinogenesis | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece |
Prof. Mel Greaves | United Kingdom |
Prof. Hinrich Gronemeyer | France |
Prof. John Haanen Immunology & Immuno-oncology | Netherlands Cancer Institute The Netherlands |
Prof. Thanos Halazonetis | University of Geneva Switzerland |
Prof. Douglas Hanahan | Switzerland |
Prof. Gregory Hannon | CRUK Cambridge Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. Adrian Harris | United Kingdom |
Prof. Karin Haustermans | Belgium |
Prof. Monika Hegi | Lausanne University Hospital, CHUV Switzerland |
Prof. Carl-Henrik Heldin | Sweden |
Prof. Kristian Helin | Denmark |
Prof. Thomas Helleday Molecular Biology | Karolinska Institutet Sverige |
Prof. Günter Henze | Germany |
Prof. Sonia Hernandez-Diaz | Spain |
Prof. Peter Herrlich | Germany |
Prof. Caroline Hill | United Kingdom |
Prof. Jean-Claude Horiot | France |
Prof. Richard Houlston | The Institute of Cancer Research United Kingdom |
Prof. Tim Hunt | United Kingdom |
Prof. Wieland Huttner | Germany |
Prof. Liselotte Højgaard | Denmark |
Prof. John Ioannidis | Greece |
Prof. Stephen Jackson | United Kingdom |
Prof. Dirk Jaeger | Germany |
Prof. Jacek Jassem | Poland |
Prof. Thoma Jenuwein | Austria |
Prof. Jo Jiricny | Poland |
Prof. Heikki Joensuu | Switzerland |
Prof. Nick Jones | Manchester Cancer Research Centre United Kingdom |
Prof. Bengt Jonsson | Sweden |
Prof. Johanna Joyce Tumor Biology | University of Lausanne Switzerland |
Prof. Stein Kaasa | Norway |
Prof. Mette Kalager | University of Oslo Norway |
Prof. Olli Kallioniemi | Finland/Sweden |
Prof. Jaakko Kaprio Epidemiology | University of Helsinki/FIMM Finland |
Prof. Katalin Karikó Biochemistry & Biophysics | BioNTech SE, Germany Hungary-USA |
Prof. Stan Kaye | United Kingdom |
Prof. Nora Kearney | United Kingdom |
Prof. David Kerr | United Kingdom |
Prof. Adi Kimchi | Israel |
Prof. Jan Korbel | Germany |
Prof. Peter Krammer | Germany |
Prof. Mechthild Krause Radiation Science & Medicine | Technische Universität Dresden, German Cancer Research Center, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Germany |
Prof. Guido Kroemer | INSERM France |
Prof. Klas Kärre Immunology & Immuno-oncology | Karolinska Institutet Sweden |
Prof. Nicholas La Thangue | United Kingdom |
Prof. Carlo La Vecchia | Italy |
Dr Denis Lacombe Clinical Research/Clinical Trials | Belgium |
Prof. Jesper Lagergren Surgical Oncology | Karolinska Institutet Sweden |
Prof. Pernilla Lagergren Survivorship Research | Karolinska Institutet Sweden |
Prof. Pagona Lagiou Epidemiology | Greece |
Prof. David Lane | United Kingdom |
Prof. Mark Lawler Bioinformatics and Computational Biology/Science | Queen’s University Belfast United Kingdom |
Prof. Janne Lehtio Genomics/Proteomics/-Omics | Karolinska Institutet and SciLifeLab Sweden |
Prof. Peter Lichter | Germany |
Prof. Tomas Lindahl | the Francis Crick Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. Christopher Lord Experimental and Molecular Therapeutics | The Institute of Cancer Research United Kingdom |
Prof. Daniel Louvard | France |
Prof. Bob Lowenberg | Erasmus University Medical Center The Netherlands |
Prof. Jiri Lucas | Denmark |
Prof. Lucio Luzzatto | Italy |
Prof. Per Eystein Lønning Clinical Research/Clinical Trials | Haukeland University Hospital Norway |
Prof. Richard Marais Tumor Biology | CRUK Manchester Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. Alexander Markham | University of Leeds United Kingdom |
Prof. Jose M. Martin-Moreno | University Clinical Hospital and Medical School, University of Valencia Spain |
Prof. Joan Massagué | USA |
Prof. Rene Medema Molecular Biology | The Netherlands Cancer Institute The Netherlands |
Prof. Klaus Meier | Germany |
Prof. Gerry Melino Biochemistry & Biophysics | University of Rome Tor Vergata Italy |
Prof. Daniel Metzger Carcinogenesis | France |
Prof. Francoise Meunier Survivorship Research | Belgium |
Prof. Saverio Minucci Epigenetics | Italy |
Prof. Hans Konrad Müller-Hermelink | Germany |
Prof. Peter Nagy Chemistry | National Institute of Oncology Hungary |
Prof. David Neal Surgical Oncology | Home United Kingdom |
Prof. Jacques Neefjes | The Netherlands |
Prof. David (Herbie) Newell | United Kingdom |
Prof. Tony Ng | King's College London United Kingdom |
Prof. Erich Nigg | Switzerland |
Prof. Serena Nik-Zainal Genomics/Proteomics/-Omics | University of Cambridge United Kingdom |
Prof. Kenneth Nilsson Hematology | Sweden |
Prof. Paul Nurse | United Kingdom |
Prof. Edit Olah Genetics | National Institute of Oncology Hungary |
Prof. Roberto Orecchia | Italy |
Prof. Moshe Oren Molecular Biology | Israel |
Prof. Jens Overgaard | Denmark |
Prof. Ruth Palmer | Gothenburg University Sweden |
Prof. Peter Parker | United Kingdom |
Prof. Pier Giuseppe Pelicci | Italy |
Prof. Richard Peto | United Kingdom |
Prof. Stefan Pfister Pediatric Oncology | Hopp Children´s Cancer Center Heidelberg (KiTZ), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Heidelberg University Hospital Germany |
Prof. Paul Pharoah | United Kingdom |
Prof. Martine Piccart Clinical Research/Clinical Trials | Institut Jules Bordet Belgium |
Prof. Marco Pierotti | Italy |
Prof. Herbert M. Pinedo | The Netherlands |
Prof. Bruce Ponder Genetics | CRUK Cambridge Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. Kathy Pritchard-Jones | United Kingdom |
Prof. Sergio Quezada Immunology & Immuno-oncology | University College London Cancer Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. Scott Ramsey | Hutchinson Institute for Cancer Outcomes Research USA |
Prof. Gideon Rechavi | Israel |
Prof. Kathy Redmond | Switzerland |
Prof. Anne Ridley | University of Bristol United Kingdom |
Prof. Peter Rigby Molecular Biology | United Kingdom |
Prof. Ulrik Ringborg Clinical Research/Clinical Trials | Sweden |
Prof. Caroline Robert | France |
Prof. Sven Rottenberg Molecular Biology | University of Bern Switzerland |
Prof. Varda Rotter | Israel |
Prof. Emiel Rutgers Surgical Oncology | Netherlands Cancer Institute The Netherlands |
Prof. Kevin Ryan Cell Biology | Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute in Scotland United Kingdom |
Prof. Erik Sahai | the Francis Crick Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. Yardena Samuels | Weizmann Institute of Science Israel |
Prof. Jesus F. San Miguel | Spain |
Prof. Eugenio Santos | Spain |
Prof. Michele Saunders | United Kingdom |
Prof. Heinz-Peter Schlemmer Radiation Science & Medicine | German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Germany |
Prof. Marjanka Schmidt Epidemiology | Netherlands Cancer Institute The Netherlands |
Prof. Martin Schrappe | Germany |
Prof. Fritz Schroeder | The Netherlands |
Prof. Gerold Schuler | Austria |
Prof. Ton Schumacher | The Netherlands |
Prof. Markus Schwaiger | Germany |
Prof. Joachim Schüz Epidemiology | International Agency for Research on Cancer France |
Prof. Peter Selby | University of Leeds United Kingdom |
Prof. Hans-Jürg Senn | Switzerland |
Prof. Joan Seoane | Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology Spain |
Prof. Manuel Serrano Cell Biology | IRB Barcelona Spain |
Prof. Yosef Shiloh Cell Biology | Tel Aviv University Israel |
Sir Jim Smith Cell Biology | Francis Crick Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. John F. Smyth | United Kingdom |
Prof. Eric Solary Hematology | Gustave Roussy Cancer Center France |
Prof. Jean Charles Soria | Amgen USA |
Prof. Christos Sotiriou | Belgium |
Prof. Dr Karen Steindorf Health Related Quality of life | German Cancer Research Center Germany |
Prof. Harald Stenmark | Norway |
Prof. Peter Strang Psychosocial oncology | Karolinska Institutet Sweden |
Prof. Sir Michael Stratton | United Kingdom |
Prof. Richard Sullivan | Institute of Cancer Policy United Kingdom |
Prof. Giulio Superti-Furga | Medical University of Vienna Austria |
Prof. Charles Swanton | United Kingdom |
Prof. Josep Tabernero | Spain |
Prof. Jussi Taipale | Sweden |
Prof. Irving Taylor | United Kingdom |
Prof. Sabine Tejpar | Belgium |
Prof. Anne Tjønneland | Danish Cancer Society Research Center Denmark |
Prof. Ian Tomlinson | United Kingdom |
Dr Richard Treisman Molecular Biology | Francis Crick Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. Andrew Tutt Cell Biology | The Institute of Cancer Research United Kingdom |
Prof. Axel Ullrich | Germany |
Prof. Cornelia Ulrich | Germany |
Prof. Unnur Valdimarsdottir | Iceland |
Prof. Matthew Vander Heiden Tumor Biology | Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA |
Prof. Gilles Vassal Pediatric Oncology | Gusttave Roussy Comprehensive Cancer Center France |
Prof. Jaap Verweij | The Netherlands |
Prof. Dr Emile Voest Experimental and Molecular Therapeutics | Netherlands Cancer Institute The Netherlands |
Prof. Karen Vousden | United Kingdom |
Prof. Elisabete Weiderpass | IARC France |
Prof. Michael Weller | Germany |
Prof. Stephen West | Francis Crick Institute United Kingdom |
Prof. Bengt Westermark | Sweden |
Prof. Robert White Molecular Biology | University of York United Kingdom |
Prof. Otmar Wiestler | the Helmholtz Association Germany |
Dr Christopher Wild Epidemiology | United Kingdom |
Prof. Alfred Wittinghofer | Germany |
Prof. Paul Workman | United Kingdom |
Prof. M. Yaniv | France |
Prof. Yosef Yarden Tumor Biology | Weizmann Institute of Science Israel |
Prof. John Yarnold | United Kingdom |
Prof. Laurence Zitvogel | France |
Prof. Jessica Zucman-Rossi | France |
Prof. Johann de Bono | the Institute of Cancer Research United Kingdom |
Prof. Francesco de Lorenzo | ECPC Italy |
Prof. EG Elisabeth de Vries | University of Groningen The Netherlands |
Prof. Christof van Kalle | Germany |
Prof. Flora van Leeuwen | Netherlands Cancer Institute The Netherlands |
Prof. Cornelius van de Velde | The Netherlands |
Prof. Laura van ’t Veer Molecular Biology | University of California USA |
Prof. Andreas von Deimling | Neuropathology University Hospital Heidelberg Germany |
Prof. Torben Ørntoft | Denmark |
Prof. Maciej Żylicz | Poland |
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